There are many aspects to the application process. When I began preparing for dental school three years ago, I wished there was a single resource that outlined every step of the journey. Garnering advice and wisdom along the way from accepted pre-dent students at top-notch schools, college academic advisors, and dental school admissions staff, I pieced together the quilt that comprises all of the aspects of the dental application. It’s like we all have had to go through this together, alone. Hopefully not anymore. Like the platitude, "Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail," the secret to a successful application is planning. To aid your planning, I have assembled the wisdom I have gleaned into a timeline format from Sophomore year to Senior year of college.  Let these pages help you navigate toward the school where you want to attend by clarifying the steps needed to craft an exceptional application.


How to Apply to Dental School the Right Way

About the Dental Admissions Test (DAT)
        scoring information and how to study effectivelyD.A.T._Knowledge.html
Pre-Dental Preparation Timeline
        a guide for when, what, and how to preparetimeline.html
AspiringDentist Forum
        got a question? post it, get it answered, and read other threads
Useful Dental Application Links
        other sites that will aid your pursuit of a career in dentistryLinks.html
AADSAS Online Application Checklist
        an outline of last year’s dental applicationAADSAS.html
Dental Application Wisdom    Timeline    D.A.T. Knowledge    Study Methods    AADSAS Application Checklist    Linkstimeline.htmlD.A.T._Knowledge.htmlStudy_Methods.htmlAADSAS.htmlLinks.htmlshapeimage_8_link_0shapeimage_8_link_1shapeimage_8_link_2shapeimage_8_link_3shapeimage_8_link_4shapeimage_8_link_5
Personal Statement Advice (NEW)
        how to write an exceptional personal statementPersonalStatement.html