Online Dental Application Information

Application Content Outline

Personal Statement (Essay)

This is where you paste your Personal Statement. It should address why you want to go to dental school, and how a dental degree contributes to your personal and professional goals.

(Why Dentistry? Why You?)

The Statement is limited to approximately 1 page single spaced, which corresponds to a maximum of 4500 characters, including spaces.

My Personal Statement Writing Advice Page

Biographic Information

Preferred Address Information

Permanent Address Information

Gender/Ethnic Identification

Place of Birth / Citizenship Information

Non- U.S. Citizens Information

Parent and Family Information

Parent Information, consisting of Names and Addresses. Also asks for number of Siblings in family.

Secondary (High) School Information

Asks for information like High School Name, Location, and Year of Graduation.

Colleges Attended (Transcript Matching Form)

Asks for information about Colleges Attended, Attendance Dates, Degrees Earned from each institution/ Anticipated Graduation, Majors.


Asks for information about Courses Taken, such as Title, Subject, Lower/Upper division Status, Grade, Credits, College Taken at.

NOTE: There is a Grade Conversion Table that AADSAS uses to translate different Letter Grades to Grade Point Averages. Your Recalculated GPA from AADSAS may be different from your college transcript. (Generally a tiny bit higher)

DAT Scores

Asks for information like the Date of most recent/planned U.S. DAT, and your Most recent DAT Scores.

Dentistry Experience

Asks for information about each of your Dentistry Experiences. Make a list of each experience, with

(1) The Name of your Supervisor,

(2) Position Title,

(3) A brief description of your activities including hours (less than about 150 characters including spaces), 

(4) Whether your Position was Paid or Volunteer,

(5) The start/end dates of your involvement.

Evaluators (LOR Matching Form)

Asks for information about each of your Evaluators. For each letter of recommendation you will send to AADSAS, fill out a Letter of Recommendation Matching Form which contains the Name/Title of the Evaluator, Wether it is a committee letter or not, and where it’s from (School, Institution, Business Name).

Extracurricular/Volunteer/Community Service

Asks for information about each of your Extracurricular/Volunteer/ Community Service experiences, up to 10. For each experience listed, list

(1) the name of the organization,

(2) Your Position Title followed by a Brief Description,

(3) the total number of hours you spent of the span of the experience,

(4) the average weekly hours,

(5) the start and end dates.

Work Experience

Asks for information about each of your work experiences, including Military Service, such as

(1) Name of Employer,

(2) Position Title/Brief Description,

(3) Average Weekly Hours,

(4) Start and End Dates.

Research Experience

Asks for information about each of your Research Experiences, such as

(1) who the Principal Investigator is,

(2) Location of Research Project,

(3) Position Title, Brief Description,

(4) Average Weekly Hours

(5) Position type (Paid, Volunteer, Received Academic Credit),

(6) Start and End Dates

Background Information

Asks you to describe information about your background, including,

(1) activities requiring manual dexterity (less than 600 characters, including spaces)

(2) If you have relatives who are in the dental field (dentists, students, assistants, lab technicians...)

(3) Any Supplemental academic enrichment programs/ post-baccalaureate programs that you have participated in. (Kaplan included)

(4) If you have been dismissed from school or put on probation for any period of time due to academic performance or misconduct, and why.

(5) If you have previously applied to dental school, when, and if you were accepted or enrolled.

(6) If you have previously or are currently applying to a health profession other than dental school.

(7) If your education has ever been interrupted or adversely affected for reasons other than conduct or academic performance ( i.e. Health, finances...)

Release Statements

Asks you to certify that your information is complete and accurate, and give permission to release information to health professions advisor and health professions advisory committee of the post-secondary institutions you have attended.

Awards, Honors, Scholarships

Asks for information about each award, honor, or scholarship you have received, up to five, such as the Name, Sponsoring Organization, and Date Received.

Dental School Designations

Asks for you to designate which schools you wish your application to be sent to.

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