Sophomore Year

and Summer

Become a Volunteer
There are vast personal benefits to becoming involved in dental-related volunteer activities. 
Volunteering in a dental clinic helps:
1) Confirm your career choice. (is dentistry really for you?)
2) Expose you to the many facets of the dental profession. 
(it’s not just pulling teeth... the possibilities are endless: hospital, public health, variegated specialties, oral surgery, corporate [like sonicare or invisalign], policy, surgeon general...)
3) Develop a rich experience base for material and inspiration when writing your personal statement and secondaries.
4) It’s just the right thing to do. 
Last but not least, helping those in need is just the right thing to do. Most free dental clinics see primarily homeless and transient patients, and you’ll find that they’re some of the most rewarding patients to work with. It is our responsibility as members of the health care system to provide care to those who need it, regardless of economic or social status. 

I just want to emphasize how easy it is to volunteer in the UCSD Free Dental clinics.   All students, new and old, regardless whether you are a student at UCSD or not, are invited to participate -- there is no experience necessary.  

Follow this link to see what you need to do to become a volunteer at UCSD:
How to Volunteer @ UCSD PDS/FDC.

Become X-ray Certified
Not only will X-ray certification help you to be considered  “in demand” with the volunteering process, it also benefits those we serve in our effort to provide quality dental care. Additionally, it looks great on your application for Dentistry School to have working knowledge and experience providing dental radiography. Once completed, the certificates will be registered with the state & you will be issued an X-ray license that will be good for life. 

Follow this link to see what you need to do to become certified at UCSD:
How to Sign Up for an x-ray Certification ClassHow_to_Volunteer_%40_UCSD_FDC.htmlHow_to_Sign_Up_for_an_x-ray_Certification_Class.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1
Dental Application Wisdom    Timeline    D.A.T. Knowledge    Study Methods    AADSAS Application Checklist    LinksDental_Application_Wisdom.htmltimeline.htmlD.A.T._Knowledge.htmlStudy_Methods.htmlAADSAS.htmlLinks.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1shapeimage_3_link_2shapeimage_3_link_3shapeimage_3_link_4shapeimage_3_link_5
Sophomore    Junior Year    Senior YearJunior_Year.htmlSenior_Year.htmltimeline.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2
Sophomore Summer

• Work in a General Dentistry or Dental Specialty Office

Having experience in the dental field already, through your volunteer work and x-ray certification, by this point you have developed enough skills to be valuable in a dental office. Utilize your skills,  even if you feel intimidated, to demonstrate your commitment to becoming a dentist while at the same time expanding your perspective of the profession and generating a relationship with a current dentist. You will need a letter of recommendation from a dentist for your application to most schools, so this is a good time for one to become familiar with your character and work ethic.